June 16, 2009

Congrats all around

Found out this week that the (extended) family is continuing to expand. My Neice Presley will turn 19 in just a few days then get married next month. The engagement will be about a month and a half long, so I hope she can get all her planning done quickly!

Also, my sister Susie is pregnant again. I'm so excited for her to have baby #2. She's due in January.

In other "Holy cow, I'm OLD!" news, my college professor said that one of her students told her that she (the student) can't remember ever NOT having a computer in the house. I remember when Computers weighed a ton, were as big as a preschooler, and had no hard drive, so operated completely off floppy discs. For you kids in the readership (If there are any), yes there used to be square discs that entirely ran the computer. And they were literally floppy in the old days when we walked to school uphill, both ways, in the snow with barefeet and were grateful. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go recharge my hearing aids and soak my teeth. As soon as I can get up outta this rocking chair.


Susan G. said...

Thanks for "announcing" my news! Hopefully no one I know checks your blog a lot!!

Erin said...

My parents still have the first computer we ever had. It's a 386! And we got that computer back in the late 80's. It is prehistoric in the computer age right now.

Amber said...

I told you so. It's not the turning 30 that's the problem... it's what happens AFTER you turn 30. Welcome to the world of OLD :)

Mark said...

Sus - What did "It's not exactly a secret" mean, then?

Erin - and what's even more amazing is that it's still running!

Amber - Yeah, you called it.

Heidi said...

I still remember our original Apple 2E. I think it was one of the first home computers. Remember the black screens with green pixels?