November 05, 2011

Emma's Baptism

The Second Ward Baptisms - Emma J  Grimes and Emma J Nielson

Dad and Emma

Nielson Family - Erin, Levi (6), Emma (8), Josh (3), Dad, Luke (1)
For those of you who couldn't make it, we missed you!

November 04, 2011

Blog Book?

Okay, fellow bloggers. Have you ever turned your blog into a book, or thought about it? I know there are lots of companies on the internet that will do it for you. If so, what has your experience been and who offered the best price?

November 01, 2011

Levi school pics

Now that we're mostly moved with just a few things left to do at the condo, I was able to get Levi's school pictures done. He says he doesn't like the black background, but I told him it's not for him - it's for the grandparents and I think it looks good. Now we just need to choose which picture to use as the school picture. Some of them are more purple on here than they were in Photoshop and I had the ISO set too high, but I'm still mostly happy with the results:

October 28, 2011

Happy Halloween!

From Left to Right: Levi's Owl, Josh's Ghost, Erin's Jack-O-Lantern (for Luke?), Mark's Pumpkin Pi, Emma's Haunted House. 
Erin's Other Jack-O-Lantern for her. 

October 01, 2011

Luke's Birthday

Lucas turned one year old yesterday! He's still not walking yet, but he's sure smiley and makes it very clear that he loves his daddy. (Da-da is still just about the only word he says, though I think I've heard uh-uh and bye-bye once or twice).
What is THAT?
Hey, this is kind of fun.
And Tasty!
I like Cake!! 
Now clean me up, please.

September 10, 2011

School Pics

We still have yet to get a good school picture of Levi, but here are what we're going to use for the other 3 this year. We'll still need to choose between the two of Emma as well.

September 09, 2011

Red Butte Garden Family Photos

What animal is this bush supposed to be??
The Kids loved these cement lizards. I Don't remember who, but one of them asked how to wake the Lizards up. It was pretty cute.

Red Butte Garden Nature Photos

Got these at Red Butte Garden the other day. I'll do another post with the family photos.
This was the coolest Idea that I saw there. It's a wroght Iron tunnel that kids can run through and there are vines growing on it - the kids had a blast running through the tunnels and it was so pretty!

September 03, 2011

Practice Shots

It's time again for school pics and since I don't want to pay for anything I can do myself and I haven't done any serious home-studio shots in a long time, I tried some practice shots. Maybe sometime I'll actually get to do some better portrait shots with better lighting, but for now these are probably worth sharing.

One Safe, Four to go

Yesterday was Erin's second Ultrasound in as many weeks. We went in last week to find out when she was due and were told that the baby didn't seem to have a heartbeat, which indicated a 95% chance that the pregnancy would fail. There was a slight chance that the baby was measuring bigger than its gestational age (6 weeks, one day) though, so they asked us to come in again a second time - which was yesterday. Still no heartbeat and no growth.

Erin's doc gave her some medicine and sent her home and she insists that she's doing fine. It's a been a rough week and especially rough the last 2 days, but we're doing well (all things considered).

We're not sure why Heavenly Father has given us this particular challenge, but we trust him that it's for the best and we'll just look at it this way: Someone just needed a body (or the start of one) and has since moved on - That's one child of five returned to heavenly father's care and presence. Now to just help train the other 4 so they can get back home when it's their time.

August 30, 2011

Levi's First Day of School

Yesterday was Levi's First day of School and so far he loves it! I got to take an hour or two off work and see him off. We had a bit of extra time so the kids got to play before Levi had to line up with his class and head in. Emma even got to come see us on her lunch hour!

August 16, 2011

Wait, What?

Levi (to Gma Parker): "Mommy didn't drink enough milk so that's why there's a baby in her tummy again".

Sometimes his logic really confuses me. It's true though. baby #5 is on his/her way. We don't have an official due date yet - that will come next week.

August 02, 2011

Bond. Joshua Bond.

Josh and Soon-to-be-Aunt Jenn talk while Renee watches and Lucas....squirms.

Lady Killa.

I'll have a milk. Chocolate. Stirred, not shaken.
Erin sent these pics of Josh at the tux fitting.

July 22, 2011

Attitude is Altitude

Today I found a website called IMMD which stands for "It made my day" where people submit things large and small that made them smile or feel better about things. One was this video that was pretty inspiring. The last 40 seconds or so are a commercial for the speaker's DVD, but what an attitude he has!

July 12, 2011


Every Tuesday and Thursday in July, this is how you'll find us spending the evenings. Levi and Sagan are enrolled in Soccer at the local Lion's Club.

Levi is part Giraffe.