November 05, 2011

Emma's Baptism

The Second Ward Baptisms - Emma J  Grimes and Emma J Nielson

Dad and Emma

Nielson Family - Erin, Levi (6), Emma (8), Josh (3), Dad, Luke (1)
For those of you who couldn't make it, we missed you!

November 04, 2011

Blog Book?

Okay, fellow bloggers. Have you ever turned your blog into a book, or thought about it? I know there are lots of companies on the internet that will do it for you. If so, what has your experience been and who offered the best price?

November 01, 2011

Levi school pics

Now that we're mostly moved with just a few things left to do at the condo, I was able to get Levi's school pictures done. He says he doesn't like the black background, but I told him it's not for him - it's for the grandparents and I think it looks good. Now we just need to choose which picture to use as the school picture. Some of them are more purple on here than they were in Photoshop and I had the ISO set too high, but I'm still mostly happy with the results: