May 02, 2015

Which image to submit?

There's a quarterly photo competition at work and I've entered a few times but never won. I want to enter one of the pictures below of a stream of water in some drainage pipe. Which do you like best? They're all very similar, but they have a few differences.

New kid pictures

The Natural Greenery behind the kids looks SO much better than the white sheet in the last pictures I took. So it was time for new pictures! After getting these shots, Erin and the kids played in the snow-melt stream that runs through the hollow we were taking pictures in. We even lost one of Josh's socks down the stream for a little while. Josh prayed for help finding it and then Erin found it. Prayers really are answered, even in eternally insignificant things. 

Fathers & Sons campout

Tom was a bit too young still to come this year but will join us next year.

January 22, 2015

Emma's retakes

Emma's not a fan of how her hair looks and acts when it's dry, but Erin and I like these pictures a lot. The "Braid crown" sure is a pretty look for her.

January 18, 2015

School Pictures

Now that the School year is half-over, I made a bacckdrop from PVC and a sheet and took some pictures. The boys ran for their suit coats and we told them no. Now that I see the white shirts against the white sheet background, I wish we'd let them put the jackets on. We even got a picture of Kita. No picture of Sheila, sadly.