January 01, 2010

nothing I do

Originally uploaded by oreospapa
I feel like I need to explain the caption a bit. When I posted this to www.flickr.com, I posted it with the description "To some people it's a religion. To others, It's an excuse. To me, it's a frustration."

The religion comment refers to the philosophy that I see in a lot of religions that says "as long as you X (usually 'proclaim Christ as your savior' or 'Do penance afterward'), you can do whatever you want and you're saved." The Excuse Comment refers to people that have simply given up on whatever it is that was important enough to them that they even tried in the first place. I refuse to give up, but the occasional intense feeling of futility really gets me down sometimes, as I'm sure it does to us all.

The feeling comes and goes. It's a familiar feeling for most parents. We can say "Be nice." "Cleanup when you're done." "Wipe your nose." "Please Stop" and a dozen other things until we're blue in the face but they never seem to sink in.

The futility seems rampant in other parts of life as well (permanent weight loss, for example). Sometimes you can deal with the feeling and it doesn't seem so bad. Other times, it's almost overwhelming.


Susan G. said...

so is this a footprint from a Birkenstock slowly disappearing?

Mark said...

That it is. I wasn't going to step into icy puddles in my bare feet in order to make the footprint! :)