December 06, 2009


Another assignment for the DigiPhotog class is what he calls baselines - we take several categories of pictures (indoor and outdoor portraits, an action shot, and a landscape) at the beginning of the semester and then take more of the same styles (but not necessarily the same subject) at the end of the semester. Here's what I've got so far, with the beginning of the semester on top and the end of the semester on bottom:

Action Shots:

Indoor Portraits:


Outdoor Portrait: With this one, the top two were from the beginning of the semester. The rest were taken today and I'm having a hard time deciding which to use. Opinions?


Heidi said...

Great shots. There is a definite difference in the photos from the beginning and end of the semester. Looks like it was a good class.

Mark said...

Thanks. It was fun. Hopefully I can continue to improve and get more and more creative. :)