February 14, 2012

On What causes kids

When we say Erin's pregnant, more than once I've heard people say "You know what causes that, don't you?" in a joking (or maybe half-joking) way.

My response: "Yeah, I guess Erin and I will have to stop washing our clothes in the same load."
 Perhaps I could start using the equally snarky "Why, don't you?" or "Why? Are you wondering?"


1 comment:

T.Irwin said...

That's funny because we get the opposite side of that coin: When are you guys going to start your family? OR Why don't you have kids? You'd make great parents.

My return comment is ... well, let's just say, I won't put it here on this comment but I have two of them and they make me smile. :)

It's because of these comments that I never ask about other people's family situations (either when they are going to have kids; or when they are going to say it's enough. Answer: none of your business)