February 13, 2012

Here we go again

Erin went to the Emergency room today for double vision and the spots she was seeing last night. The labs came back okay so the docs are just assuming it's a different variety of migraine, but the bigger news is that we also had an ultrasound while we were there and they confirmed that the baby we've only known about for a couple of weeks definitely has a heartbeat, looks healthy, and is 9 weeks 2 days along.

  New Baby Nielson will be due around September 15, which is the day before Josh's birthday. I'm hoping that (s)he comes on the 9th, though, so we can continue our pattern of 1-week-apart birthdays in september. Now to get serious about finding some good names Erin and I can both agree on. We can agree on at least 2 girl names but the boy names are always so much tougher...

1 comment:

Erin said...

I never thought I would have 5 kids. I thought my Mom was nuts to have 5 kids.
Guess this is God's way of saying we can handle that many.