July 31, 2010

Less than a week

In just under a week, my decade long struggle will be over. I started college in January, 2000 - roughly two months after getting home from my mission. At 8pm this Thursday (or hopefully slightly sooner) I will finish my last final in my last class. Ever. (Unless I choose to get a Masters, but that's not likely...).

Along the way I've earned 2 associates degrees (General Studies and Computer Science) and Thursday will wrap up my Bachelor's degree in Mass Communication.

I was thinking about it today and I am so used to having so much to do and working so much with so little time that I'm not sure I'm going to know what to do. Without school filling all my weekday evenings, I'm going to want to do even more home improvement projects, but with the minivan we just bought, that won't be likely. I used to joke that my Dad doesn't know how to sit still and relax and I think I'm starting to notice that tendency in myself as well. I'm pretty proud of that.

Erin and I were talking about how to pay for the van and thought maybe I should get a second job. That just doesn't feel right to either of us though, so we're going to have her work a bit more and I'll take care of the kids in the evenings while she works. It'll be nice to hang out with them a bit more and have time with the whole fam on the weekends.

I can't wait to be done with School! I have one more assignment to do and a whole bunch of reading and studying for finals, but it seems I have a horrible case of senior-itis. :) I love it!


Haley said...

Wow. almost done! You've done quite a lot in the past 10 years- while raising a family too. Way to go!

Susan G. said...

Congrats! Your plan sounds good. It will also give Erin some time away from the kids, and you a chance to bond more with them.

juli said...

Yea!!!! I am so proud of you. You have learned a lot more along the way than what you learned in those many classes. Don't worry about having time on your hands....it never works that way. Somehow every moment will be filled....I guess we should all be careful of what we fill it with. Love you Big Guy.

Mark said...

Aw, thanks guys! :)

Heidi said...

Congratulations in advance. That's quite the accomplishment. Congrats on the minivan, too. What a difference a van makes!

Good luck on your finals. I think turning out like your dad is a pretty good thing, too!