This year they took it to a new level. Not only did they not whine and cry, but they went on more adult rides.

Josh? Not so much a fan of the Bumper cars. Or was it more that he was not so much a fan of Emma's Driving. Either way...

And the other really cool thing for the day? Losing 80 pounds since our visit last year meant that I could fit on every ride in Kiddie Land that we tried that would allow adults on. THAT was cool. And it allowed me to take both Emma and Levi on the sky ride while Erin and Josh headed to the parking lot to change a diaper.
All in all, a pretty great day.
I noticed in the first Lagoon pictures that you posted that you and Erin both looked like you had lost a lot of weight. You both look great! Congrats.
Looks like a lot of fun!! (well, not the diaper part)
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