November 20, 2012

October and November

Emma's birthday party was a "Mermaid Barbie" theme and she had tons of friends to help her celebrate.

We even had the living room decorated like an under-the-sea palace with hanging "seaweed" and baloon "Bubbles".

We got to go trick-or-treating at Dan's Foods as well. Tommy and I were a pumpkin (or jack-o-lantern) patch. Erin was a ghost, Emma and Levi were royalty (Prince and Princess), Josh was Spiderman, and Luke was Thomas the Tank Engine. We STILL have Halloween candy nearly a month later!
Our Halloween Pumpkins
Holladays came over to trick or treat in the neighborhood. Jorgia was a very cute ladybug!

I don't remember when in october this was. Erin thought it was cute that we were napping together. A warm baby asleep on the chest is certainly a great sleep aid.

That brings us to today. We raked leaves and pulled alyssum out of the flower beds and the kids had a great time jumping in it to compact it in the garbage can so we could fit more in

Tired Tommy. This was sometime in October as well, I think.


Maurice said...

Good job. second only to a flesh and blood visist which will come in a year. :-)

Mark said...

Can't wait! :)