December 30, 2012

Tommy's blessing

We blessed Tommy today at Church. We bought a kind of all-white tux for jim and then put the same sweater on him that his brothers and I wore at our baby blessings. Amazing that this sweater has lasted through 5 babies over the course of 34 years and is still soft.

December 07, 2012

MY bed!

Someone's a bit too comfy on mom and Dad's bed.

November 20, 2012

October and November

Emma's birthday party was a "Mermaid Barbie" theme and she had tons of friends to help her celebrate.

We even had the living room decorated like an under-the-sea palace with hanging "seaweed" and baloon "Bubbles".

We got to go trick-or-treating at Dan's Foods as well. Tommy and I were a pumpkin (or jack-o-lantern) patch. Erin was a ghost, Emma and Levi were royalty (Prince and Princess), Josh was Spiderman, and Luke was Thomas the Tank Engine. We STILL have Halloween candy nearly a month later!
Our Halloween Pumpkins
Holladays came over to trick or treat in the neighborhood. Jorgia was a very cute ladybug!

I don't remember when in october this was. Erin thought it was cute that we were napping together. A warm baby asleep on the chest is certainly a great sleep aid.

That brings us to today. We raked leaves and pulled alyssum out of the flower beds and the kids had a great time jumping in it to compact it in the garbage can so we could fit more in

Tired Tommy. This was sometime in October as well, I think.

September 23, 2012

New Pictures

It's surprisingly hard to get a good picture of a newborn.

September 14, 2012

Thomas Aaron Nielson

I think everyone that reads my blog already saw these pictures on facebook or via email, but I want to upload them here as well for posterity's sake. Tommy was born September 9th, 2012 at 458pm. He weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces and was 19 inches long.

September 09, 2012

Killin' time

There was a lull of a few hours between the Wedding Luncheon and the reception yesterday, so we went to the Pleasant Grove Heritage Festival and Cabelas with Amber and Chase.

Josh and Levi practiced driving nails into a stump. when they were done driving a nail, they were rewarded with a piece of hard candy.
Even a week away from her official due date, Erin pulled a bow saw with Levi so he and Josh could learn hands-on about Pioneer logging.
I didn't let Erin saw for too long before taking a turn, though!
After We got our piece sawed off, the man who owned the tools branded it for us. Levi Chose a G for his and we got a Boot for Josh and Luke on a spare piece of wood the owner gave us.
Levi Feeding the piglets in the petting zoo
Jorgia, Luke, and I feeding the same piglets.
Luke also enjoyed petting the goats and kept calling them "Doggie" but I think that's pretty good for someone who only recently started using a few words here and there.
Levi and Josh also got to learn about spinning Wool into yarn and then try to help with it a bit!

Lizi's Wedding

Lizi and Jeff's wedding was yesterday. What a fun day!! These pictures were taken by me, Erin, and Marci.

My job at the Luncheon? to get Grandma and Grandpa Nielson on Skype. I couldn't remember my sign-in info at first, but we got to see them after a while. :)
Josh had fun playing with the goblets while we waited for food.
Levi, however, was a little less patient. :)
Luke enjoys the last little bit of Orange Juice. "Sippy cup? I don't need no stinkin' sippy!"
Jana, Abby, and Alec sharing a bit of downtime at the Luncheon.

The bride's parents talking to Grandma and Grandpa Nielson.
Emma and Leah Model some borrowed sunglasses while cousin Becky hams it up for the camera.
It's so great to have Holladays around again! Amber, Chase, and Jorgia wait for the bride and groom outside the temple with some of the Nielson men.
Luke and his Daddy outside the Temple.
The fathers welcome out the happy couple - now man and Wife!

The Reception center was sooo pretty with waterfalls mingled in among all that greenery. Later that night, happy well-wishers enjoyed the beauty while they dined on popcorn, Ice cream sundaes, cotton candy, cake, and snow cones! Sugar buzzes all around!

The bride's family outside the temple.
Great profile shot of the Bride, Marci!
The Happy Couple.
Emma and Luke twirl while waiting for the couple at the temple.You can see Erin's very pregnant tummy in the background - thankfully Tommy didn't try to make his entrance that day!