April 11, 2010

Busy day!

Yesterday was a pretty great day! Emma showed a lot of determination and learned to ride a 2-wheeler bike with no training wheels. I'm so proud of her! She's still working on getting tight turns down, but she can go around the square in front of our condo and she's getting really good at balancing. Yay, Emma!

Not to be outdone, Levi Raced around and proved that he was pretty fast too.

He was also very generous in sharing his Easter candy with Josh.

Once Emma got tired from all the biking, Josh thought he'd try on her hat.

And here's my great accomplishment for the day: The Playroom floor is DONE! now we just have to wait for it to cure and we can move the furniture in on Wednesday....if I can be patient that long.


Susan G. said...

way to go emma! and mark! congrats to you both

Presley said...

I finally updated our blog . . check the twin's too for updates :)

Heidi said...

Congrats, Emma!

The floor looks great, Mark.

T.Irwin said...

That's exciting for Emma...it's a great day to master the bicycle. And she'll remember it, for sure.

So the playroom floor, huh? looks like it might be easier to clean up. :D