We're a little nervous about announcing it this early in the pregnancy, but both Erin and I have a hard time keeping exciting news to ourselves.
To tell her parents, we made Erin a shirt that Says "Mommy" on the chest and "Baby" on the tummy and waited to see if anyone noticed. We had been there two or more hours when I finally said "Grandma, what do you think of Erin's shirt?"
Erin's mom said "I hadn't noticed it."
I said "Maybe you better take a look."
She looked up, kind of smiled and said "Another one!?" :)
We told my parents creatively too. They have a wall in their bedroom with a 5x7 picture of each of the 26 grandkids. On the way to Erin's parents' house for dinner, we stopped by "just to say hi" and I snuck down the hall and put this on the wall in the correct spot:

We still haven't heard from Grandma and Grandpa Nielson, so I assume they haven't seen it yet. Should be fun to get their call when they do.
Congratulations! How exciting. I hope Erin is feeling well.
Wow! I am still trying to get talked into a second. Congrats!
I am so happy for you! I can't believe your parents haven't noticed yet-you'll have to post when they do. All my best to you and Erin.
Well, I came in to shut down the computer before going to bed and I read about it here. I haven't been down to the bedroom since I changed clothes after church about 12:30. Sorry we didn't notice but it doesn't make the little one any less special. Just makes the grandparents a little slower.
Mom- It's totally fine. Thanks for the call last night. I was excited to talk to you about it even if I seemed a little out of it. :)
Heidi - Thanks!
Kirsten - They're lots of fun, but the second one almost seems like a bigger change than the first sometimes.
Kristen - Thanks!
Wow..here I am struggling with number 2 and you're cooking number 4!! Congrats!@!
Thank you everyone. Yes I am still doing ok. I woke up this morning more tired than I was when I went to bed, had my first reunion with the potty, and am a little dizzy. So things are progressing just as they should.
Susie- don't worry. It does get better. I still have yet to see my new niece but I am glad that you are both well. :)
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