Surprise! Erin is due to have our fourth child on October 6th. We told the grandparents tonight and had to tell our Employers right after we found out last weekend (with the baby due so close to the go-live date of our new software, my boss had to know as soon as we did.)
We're a little nervous about announcing it this early in the pregnancy, but both Erin and I have a hard time keeping exciting news to ourselves.
To tell her parents, we made Erin a shirt that Says "Mommy" on the chest and "Baby" on the tummy and waited to see if anyone noticed. We had been there two or more hours when I finally said "Grandma, what do you think of Erin's shirt?"
Erin's mom said "I hadn't noticed it."
I said "Maybe you better take a look."
She looked up, kind of smiled and said "Another one!?" :)
We told my parents creatively too. They have a wall in their bedroom with a 5x7 picture of each of the 26 grandkids. On the way to Erin's parents' house for dinner, we stopped by "just to say hi" and I snuck down the hall and put this on the wall in the correct spot:

We still haven't heard from Grandma and Grandpa Nielson, so I assume they haven't seen it yet. Should be fun to get their call when they do.