When that was pulled up, we found what appeared to be carpet glue so old that we could just scratch it off and enjoy the very old linoleum underneath:
No such luck. some of that carpet glue has basically become part of the linoleum, so now we're going to lay some other stuff over the top. Once we buy it, that is. (pictures to follow of us installing it, I'm sure.)
To add to the fun, when I was scooting the oven out so that we could get the carpet off the floor under it, we heard a POP! and the power to the stove died:

The wire on the right had worked itself out of its bracket/plug and tripped to breaker. Boy were we lucky that was all it was! I got it back in place and everything's fine now.
Here's hoping we can get the floor in before friday when we have a fun BBQ planned with some cousins.
What BBQ? What cousins? Way to update your blog!! Glad you fixed the oven. Looking forward to seeing your kids again tomorrow.
We're just having them over for board games and burgers and hot dogs. Wendy & Isaac and possibly Lori & David. Zane and Brianna were going to come too, but Brianna's family is doing something that night so they can't make it.
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