We cleaned the house today - really cleaned. I even got to vacuum! We got the kids room, our room, and the playroom deep cleaned and a couple loads of laundry done. After that, we spent most of the day hanging out with Tribes, Johnsons, and Grandma and Grandpa Nielson. Good food, and a marathon game of Phase 10, which no one had played in years. After the family party was over, we headed to the cemetary to visit my Grandma and Grandpas' graves. We also took pictures in the "Jackman Family Tree" - A tree near my Grandma and Grandpa Jackman's graves that we used to climb into and get pictures when I was a kid. That's kind of been a tradition all my life - and here are the results!

Talk about tough lighting! I wish I could spread some of the light from Emma's face onto the Boys.

Luke Posing. If you look carefully, you can see my hands holding him up. I was kneeling behind him, trying to hide my hands while supporting him.

Levi Ponders

What a handsome Dude!

Everyone's looking at something different. Can we focus here, please?


"You've still got me, right Dad? You're not gonna drop me?"


Josh maxin' and relaxin'.