try sleep driving. There's nothing like putting all your attention and energy into forcing your eyes to stay open and focus, only to realise that they're not open at all. and the car you're driving is still moving and hasn't hit anything yet.
I can't seem to sleep well at night anymore, but that's kind of just how life is. Anyone have tips for making yourself stay awake and alert on the road (besides "get enough sleep" and "caffein." neither of those is gonna happen.) besides windows down and radio blaring?
in other news, Levi has come close to giving himself a black eye twice in the last week. Last week he fell on a cell phone and split his eye open in the corner. it bled a lot, but it's a little enough cut that he's healing without the need for stitches. the other time he did it we had forgotten to buckle his carseat to the bench in his grandma's van and he tipped backwards and scuffed up his cheek on his eye socket a little. poor kid. We're lucky that's all that happened. One thing's for sure: he's ALWAYS going to be buckled now. (Not that he shouldn't have been before...)