September 19, 2016

Nielson Men

Found this picture while looking for this year's professional Lagoon pictures and had to add it.

Fall 2016 Pictures

May 02, 2015

Which image to submit?

There's a quarterly photo competition at work and I've entered a few times but never won. I want to enter one of the pictures below of a stream of water in some drainage pipe. Which do you like best? They're all very similar, but they have a few differences.

New kid pictures

The Natural Greenery behind the kids looks SO much better than the white sheet in the last pictures I took. So it was time for new pictures! After getting these shots, Erin and the kids played in the snow-melt stream that runs through the hollow we were taking pictures in. We even lost one of Josh's socks down the stream for a little while. Josh prayed for help finding it and then Erin found it. Prayers really are answered, even in eternally insignificant things.